Learn to Sing With Singorama 2.0--is This Program for Real?
If you want to learn to sing, today it is easier than ever before with all the great programs out there that can help. One of the top sellers on the market today when it comes to singing programs is Singorama; however, you may be wondering if this program is all it has been hyped up to be. So, let’s take a closer look at Singorama and what it has to offer.
You'll see that it has many positives, but it also has a few negatives.
What You’ll Get for the Price
Out of all the “learn to sing” programs out there, Singorama is actually one of the most reasonably priced, with the entire program being just $99.95. Not only is this a reasonable price, but you actually get a lot for your money. The program comes with two ebooks, 28 audio lessons that include hundreds of audio files to help you, three different software packages, a mini recording studio, Jayde Musica Pro, and Perfect Your Pitch Pro. You even get some bonuses along with the program, including Advanced Learning Techniques for Singers, which is an ebook, the Ultimate Beginners Guide to Reading Music ebook, and the Singorama Virtual Metronome software. You’ll also get an email consultation line that is totally free.
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Who it Works For?
This is a program that is actually great for just about anyone. Whether you are a professional or a beginner who wants to learn to sing, you’ll find that this program can help you improve your singing skills. Also, you’ll find that it can be used on a Mac as well as on a PC.
An Excellent Guarantee
One thing that really speaks volumes for the Singorama 2.0 program is that excellent guarantee that they offer. Singorama actually offers a 60 day money back guarantee that is no questions asked. This means that if you are not totally satisfied with the program you can actually get 100% of your money back and you’ll also get to keep your bonuses as well as Jayde Musica. So, this is a no risk guarantee that will allow you to find out for yourself how great Singorama really is.
Benefits of Singorama
Back in December of 2007, the second version of Singorama launched and it has been proven to be a great vocal coach. This new version comes with a variety of excellent benefits, so let’s take a closer look at what is offered.
-Audio Lessons and Ebooks – The Singorama 2.0 program offers two ebooks that are really excellent and are easy to read and are excellent teaching skills. They provide instruction on warm-ups, harmony, perfecting your pitch, and vocal techniques, but also add seconds on stage fright, stage performance, and more.
-Mini Recording Studio Software – This software is a great addition to the program. Not only is it a lot of fun, but it allows you to assess your sound, have others critique it, and get practice over and over again.
-Perfect Your Pitch Pro – This is an innovative game that comes with the program and it is definitely effective for those who are working on building up their musical ear and want to learn to sing better. In fact, it works so well that within only a few days, most people using the program develop almost perfect pitch.
-Email Consultation – The free email consultation line is excellent for those who need help while using the program. You can get answers to your questions about the program and also send recorded songs by email to have them evaluated. This is a huge benefit, since singing lessons today cost a good $150 or more for each lesson.
-Jayde Musica Pro – This is another excellent game included with the Singorama program which helps you learn to read music. The game is a lot of fun and is accompanied by an ebook on learning to read music as well.
Although the creator of this program has included just about everything possible to help you learn to sing better, it still can't replace taking singing lessons from a live instructor. A live instructor can see and hear you and offer instant, on the spot advice.
Also, when you take singing lessons from a live person, it reminds you that you need to practice. As comprehensive as this course is, no one is going to nag you to practice.
However, taking singing lessons has it's own negatives. They are expensive, require travel to each lesson, and some people aren't comfortable enough to sing in front of a stranger.
All in all, Singorama definitely has a lot to offer and is definitely an excellent buy for the money you’ll pay. So, if you are looking for an alternative to singing lessons with a live instructor, Singorama promises to give you great results for a reasonable price. Singorama will definitely help you learn to sing better!
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Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Learn to Sing With Singorama 2.0--is This Program for Real?